Want an 20 levels Pokemon GO account for free? 想要一個免費的20級 Pokemon GO帳號? Simple 3 steps: 1. LIKE & SHARE OUR FAN PAGE https://www.facebook.com/OneManMagazine/ 2. Subscribe our youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/c/1manInfo 3. Leave your name (name in FB and Google, so that we can confirmed that you had LIKE+SHARE+SUBSCRIBE) & email address (to send you login detail) into the comment (we wouldn't publish it, no worry). We will update the status of your request in this post regularly. 簡單三部曲: 一,LIKE和分享我們的粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/OneManMagazine/ 二,訂閱我們的YOUTUBE頻道 http://www.youtube.com/c/1manInfo 三,在留言區留下您的名字(要跟您在臉書和Google名字一樣哦,這樣我們才能確認您已經LIKE+分享+訂閱),加上您的電郵地址(郵寄您登入帳號和密碼)。請放心我們不會公布您的電郵地址。 我們會不定時在這篇文章更新您的請求。 Limited TIME ONLY! Be Hurry! 限時優惠!要趕快哦! ---